[Short Stories] Jules and the Mystery of the Broken Gingerbread House
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jules who loved to bake. Her favorite thing to bake was gingerbread houses. She would spend hours in the kitchen, measuring and mixing and decorating. Her houses were always the prettiest at the gingerbread house contest.
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But one year, something went wrong. Jules' gingerbread house broke. She was so upset that she cried. She didn't know how it could have happened. She had followed the recipe perfectly.
"What will I do now?", said Jules to her mom, as she wiped her tears. "The competition has already started and I don't have anything to show", Jules continued.
Jules' mom told her not to worry, and that she would help her solve the mystery.
"Let's retrace your steps Jules", said Jules' mom, as she kissed her on her head.
They went back into the kitchen and looked at the broken house. Jules' mom asked her what she thought had happened.
Jules thought for a minute after looking at the broken gingerbread house, and then she said, "I think the gingerbread was too dry."
Her mom agreed and Jules made a note to add some more molasses to the recipe. The next time Jules made a gingerbread house, it was perfect.