[Short Stories] Masha gets a puppy for her birthday
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Masha's ninth birthday was coming up, and she had been looking forward to it all year. She loved getting new things, and her parents always got her the best presents. This year they thought she might like a puppy for her birthday.
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"You have been very responsible this year Masha", Masha's dad said to her with a smile. "We are very proud of you", her mom called out from the kitchen.
"We think you're ready for a puppy - what do you think Masha?, her dad asked Masha. Masha was thrilled at the prospect!
"Yes, please. I will make sure to take care of him and do all my chores too!", she said all excited.
"Where can I find a puppy?", Masha thought to herself. She asked her friends if they had any puppies for sale, but no one did. Then she remembered that there was a dog shelter near where she lived that might have them available.
"Mom, can we please go to the dog shelter and see if they have any puppies", Masha asked her mom politely. "Of course dear, we can go check it out tomorrow after school", said Masha's mom.
When Masha and her mom arrived at the shelter, she saw a little puppy up on display and immediately felt drawn to him. He looked so sad and alone, and Masha knew that he would make a great addition to her family. She sat down on the bench nearby and started petting him softly until he fell asleep in her arms.