Are you Switching to Mastodon from Twitter, Be Aware of these 5 Risks

What is Twitter alternative? How to use Mastodon? What are risks of using Mastodon vs Twitter? Compare Mastodon and Twitter, which is better?

Are you Switching to Mastodon from Twitter, Be Aware of these 5 Risks

If You’re planning to use Mastodon, the main alternative to Twitter for now, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Mater its vocabulary. You don’t tweet, you toot
  2. Mastodon is not a single website, but a lot of different servers - which are federated.
  3. Sign up - Choose a server, which become part of user id.
  4. Add more servers based on your interest
  5. User gets toots from these servers and not the entire universe of toots.

Risks - You must know and evaluate if this is worth your time & effort:

  1. If the server you join disappears, you could lose everything.
  2. A Mastodon server admin also has ultimate control over everything you do
  3. A server admin could also snoop on my private toots if they wanted to – or delete my account for any reason.
  4. Mastodon’s decentralization also means it can be repurposed by anyone for any reason
  5. Despite its growing influence, Mastodon’s design makes it difficult to fund 

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